
In the journey of life and sports there are many things outside the control of the athlete. Control what you can control. What you cannot, you cannot. Accept that fact. Say it in your mind once again, control what you can control.  Effort is something that is 100% in the control of the athlete. You either do the work or you don’t. You either commit yourself or you don’t. Practice takes effort. Preparation takes effort. This preparation and practice is especially critical during the off hours. These off hours are often those times when no one is watching. These off hours are when it is just the athlete and the desire to be better.  If you practice two days a week, then what are you doing as an athlete to prepare those other five days? It is often a question of motivation and effort that leads to success. This effort lesson will lead to success on the court and off the court. Do you want to succeed? Of course you do. Let’s hope you do. You have the power to be successful. Put in the effort and be mindful of the sacrifice and work it takes to achieve your goals in sports and life.